Suits season 4

My rating: 5/5


This show just keeps producing excellent TV! “Suits” is about a law firm in New York where the two main characters, Harvey Spector and Mike Ross, works. Harvey is the experienced, sharp, closer that never looses a case and Mike, who is not even a lawyer, is the boy genius that Harvey gave a chance and has covered for.

Harvey and Mike are back as friends in season 4.
Harvey and Mike are back as friends in season 4.

It was hard to see how the show would be able to keep the high standards, and interest up after three very strong and interesting seasons, but season 4 has been excellent too. The season has had many twists and turns, and as we are approaching the end of the season it is very interesting to see the conclusion.

Donna and Rachel plays even bigger and more important roles this season.
Donna and Rachel plays even bigger and more important roles this season.

The show is on a short break now, but I know that everyone is waiting to see what will happen next.

Everyone is waiting to see what happens with Harvey and Donna.
Everyone is waiting to see what happens with Harvey and Donna.

Scandal US season 4

My Rating: 3/5


“Scandal” is another great show if you like politics, drama and a lot of intrigue. Similar to “House of Cards”, this show is based in Washington D.C. and is played out in the White House and around the steps of the Capitol. The shows main character, Olivia Pope is kidnapped in the beginning of the season and we spend a few episodes following the development of her faith.

Olivia is kidnapped.
Olivia is kidnapped.

This season is not as good as the previous three, not yet at least. It does not have the same intensity or “feeling” as before.

Not as much drama in the White House this season.
Not as much drama in the White House this season.

Hopefully that changes towards the end of the season though so we can see Olivia and her team back in full force.


My rating: 5/5


Ok, this is not a new show; it is not even a show that has had new episodes in years. BUT, this is a must see show for anyone that has not seen it yet. “Friends” is one of those classics, like Seinfeld for example, that is always, always funny. I can still watch episodes from season 1 (there is 10 seasons) and laugh.

Season 1 Episode 1
Season 1 Episode 1
The classic fountain.
The classic fountain.

The comedy is still funny and the actors do such a great job in playing their individual roles. That is also why the jokes and characters seem timeless I think.

The Love Story of the show - Ross and Rachel.
The Love Story of the show – Ross and Rachel.

My advice – start from season 1, episode 1, and just watch the entire collection. You will not regret it!

The Blacklist season 2

My rating: 4/5


In this Showtime show we follow a secret task force lead by the FBI that is taking down bad guys all over the globe thanks to a secret informer (and master criminal) named Red Redington. Red has a particular soft spot for Elizabeth, or Lizzy as Red calls her, a junior FBI agent that he demands to have on the task force.

Red and Liz have a very particular relationship.
Red and Liz have a very particular relationship.

As season 2 is coming to an end the relationship between Red and Lizzy is very tensed. The feeling is that something big is about to be revealed, but it can as easily be pushed out to season 3. In the first season it seemed like every episode was about one particular bad guy the task force was after. However, in this second season the feeling is that the story has evolved and everything is even more connected. I like the second season and feel that the story is getting better and more interesting.

Don't miss the finale of season 2!
Don’t miss the finale of season 2!

House of Cards Season 3

My rating: 3.5/5


The third season of Netflix original series “House of Cards” was released earlier this month. The show staring Kevin Spacey has been very successful since inception three years ago, and the third season was no exception. In my opinion the third season was very different from the previous two seasons.

Francis and Claire struggle in the White House
Francis and Claire spend a lot of time in Air Force One in seasons 3.

All three seasons have started with challenges and obstacles for the leads Francis and Claire Underwood, but the third season was a struggle throughout for them. As a viewer, I was waiting for the “tied to turn” and for them to get into their usual, successful track, but that did not happen as fast or in the same way as previous seasons.

Francis and Claire struggle in this season and argue often.
Francis and Claire struggle in this season and argue often.

Overall, it has to be said though, the show and this seasons is good and well worth to watch. And hopefully season 4 will be as good as the first two seasons when that is released!

Welcome to the wonderful world of TV Shows!

Welcome to my blog! In this blog you will see reviews, opinions and updates on TV shows. There are so many new TV shows coming out every season, and we have seen so many great ones in the past, so I decided to blog about many of them. In the blog you will see everything from general reviews on a TV show, to reviews and opinions about specific seasons or even specific episodes or catchers in a TV show. Feel free to comment, share thoughts and rate the shows, episodes and characters too!

I hope you enjoy:)

What show is your favorite?
What show is your favorite?