
My rating: 5/5


Ok, this is not a new show; it is not even a show that has had new episodes in years. BUT, this is a must see show for anyone that has not seen it yet. “Friends” is one of those classics, like Seinfeld for example, that is always, always funny. I can still watch episodes from season 1 (there is 10 seasons) and laugh.

Season 1 Episode 1
Season 1 Episode 1
The classic fountain.
The classic fountain.

The comedy is still funny and the actors do such a great job in playing their individual roles. That is also why the jokes and characters seem timeless I think.

The Love Story of the show - Ross and Rachel.
The Love Story of the show – Ross and Rachel.

My advice – start from season 1, episode 1, and just watch the entire collection. You will not regret it!

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