Suits season 4

My rating: 5/5


This show just keeps producing excellent TV! “Suits” is about a law firm in New York where the two main characters, Harvey Spector and Mike Ross, works. Harvey is the experienced, sharp, closer that never looses a case and Mike, who is not even a lawyer, is the boy genius that Harvey gave a chance and has covered for.

Harvey and Mike are back as friends in season 4.
Harvey and Mike are back as friends in season 4.

It was hard to see how the show would be able to keep the high standards, and interest up after three very strong and interesting seasons, but season 4 has been excellent too. The season has had many twists and turns, and as we are approaching the end of the season it is very interesting to see the conclusion.

Donna and Rachel plays even bigger and more important roles this season.
Donna and Rachel plays even bigger and more important roles this season.

The show is on a short break now, but I know that everyone is waiting to see what will happen next.

Everyone is waiting to see what happens with Harvey and Donna.
Everyone is waiting to see what happens with Harvey and Donna.

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